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•5 fast growing and cold weather resistant veggies

Right after the snow melts down and you are able to work your soil, you can start planting! Don’t be afraid to start your seeds, even if the danger of frost is unavoidable. I made a list for you with 5 cold weather tolerant veggies you can start right away! They are not only cold resistant, but also fast maturing. These might be slow germinating due to the cold temperatures, but once they’ll pop out from the grown, they’ll start to grow! Even if they seem fragile, like baby salad leaves, they are stronger that you can imagine, being able to take even few days of snow!

    Salad - really cold temperatures resistant, salad is perfect to grow in the spring time! There are many varieties, colors and tastes. Try different ones and find your favorites!

Kale - magical plant, kale is not only rich in vitamins, but it’s also an important source of proteins. Make sure you incorporate it in your diet. It is easy to grow and it can survive even in really cold winters.

Radishes - this might came to you as a surprise, but radishes do need just around one month to mature. They are easy to plant. You just need to put the seeds in, make sure you water them and in no time you can add some color to your salads by adding in different varieties of radishes.

Chard - big green leaves with red ribs are perfect for salads, tarts or other recipes. They are rich in nutrients and they don’t need more than 60 days to be ready!

Peas - enjoy some sugar peas in the early spring! They grow fast and the only thing you should take care might be to find them some support like a stick or a poll. 
